VR Arts - Samantha Brambilla

Paranaense, resident in Atibaia SP. Brazilian, graduated in 2015, Visual Arts, Unifaat University Center https://www.unifaat.com.br/
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Contemporary and the great recognition of this talent is the invitation to participate in Exhibitions and Art Galleries exhibitions in Europe, in addition to having its name in one of the main cataloging guides of world works of art launched in Paris .
Samantha conversou com o jornal O Atibaiense e contou sobre o processo de criação e recognition of work in Brazil and abroad.
Samantha é autodidata e nos relata que a Arte é uma Herança que sempre esteve present in your life.
“I was an announcer for radio stations with programs dedicated to children in Nova Esperança in the interior of the city of Paraná Atibaia SP.
Em 1991, lancei meu LP intitulado 'Nasce uma Estrela', com musical shows all over the country, in different rhythms”, he says.
Durante a carreira de cantora, Samantha notou que era frequente ver as cores nas musical notes, a process known as “Synesthesia”, when the person has simultaneous sensations that allow, for example, that a sound is represented by a color. This is a unique skill that few individuals have. One of the greatest examples of “Synesthesia” in painting is Wassily Kandinsky.
“I improved my course in Visual Arts at Centro Universitário Unifaat- Atibaia SP.https://www.unifaat.com.br/ concluded in 2015. The course was very important and provided technical and theoretical support”, he reports.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136 The melody is present through its color palette_3194-bb3b-136 musical, rhythm, timbre, in harmony with the physical, psychological and spiritual state, which is revealed on the screen the answer of the unique present moment.
Kandinsky was the basis for the artist's graduation thesis. Samantha approached “Abstractionism” to understand this parallelism between music and colors in her TCC. “It was with Wassily Kandinsky that he was a viable means of promoting the creation of abstract paintings. I understood how Kandinsky was influenced by the creation of his paintings. In his case, it was the music of composer Arnold Schönberg”, highlights Samantha.
The artist has her favorite songs and composers when creating. “Some examples are Richard Wagner (Lohengrin – Overtüre), Beethoven (Au Clair de Lune), Chopin (Tristesse), Tchaikovsky (Lake in the Moonlight), among others”, says.
Samantha utiliza diferentes estilos e suportes para as criações, o que torna seus quadros unique. “I observe the aesthetics and beauty of the elements of nature. I also like to experiment with new techniques, which lead to new works for the public. They are printing techniques using friction gestures, using oil or acrylic paints, aluminum foil, hot iron, brushes and spatulas, aiming at great results that reflect the balance of colors”, reveals Samantha. Currently my creative process with App Artes quest2 OCULUS.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3bOcf-136 technical result.
Samantha Brambilla, Brazilian , living in Paraná.
Graduated in Visual Arts, she acted as singer, announcer, and with the intervention of the musical notes creates her arts surrounded by the emotions and in great style painting on canvas, gestual movements.
EN Samantha Brambilla creates in a wide variety of styles. Here are images of some of her latest work. Samantha Brambilla brilliantly combines technique, emotion and intellect to reach out in a unique language.